Soul Writer Membership (Annual) 2025


Supporting Women’s Voices - and unleash your passion on the page and write from your intuition.

Take a mystical journey to Ancient Lands where writing is held sacred. Experience the power of the Inner Soul Journey and a sense of Wholeness of being. Unleash your Unique Creativity, Express your Authentic Voice & Script your life with authenticity and self-compassion.

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Do you want to live a soulful life - and travel to the unknown parts of yourself waiting to be discovered?

supporting Women’s Voices

Do you feel blocked? Uninspired?
Do you feel a call to write? Doubt your voice?

Take a mystical journey to Ancient Lands where writing is held sacred.
Experience the power of the Inner Soul Journey
Unleash your Unique Creativity & Express your Authentic Voice

“Soul Writing is more than just expressing our authentic voice in writing. It helps us to express our authentic voice in all aspects of our life” (Tania)




The Soul Writer Membership is a monthly membership and VIP community to support you in scripting and living a life aligned to your soul. As a member, each month you will receive a soul story, meditations, teachings, soul journeys, ceremonies, soul tools, Soul Writing workbooks, to support you to become grounded, joyful, abundant, and aligned to your unique creativity - so you can live a soulful life of purpose and fulfillment and get your writing flowing. We use writing as a way to connect us to our imaginations and reconnect to ourself.

You are also invited to attend a monthly live Soul Writing Workshop with Sarah.
Every workshop is themed and
Dr Sarah’s Soul Writing exercises are designed to align you to the energy of that month.

Annual members can access all the Soul Writer tools in the private Soul Writer Membership Group – a creative community for those who wish to dig deep into their souls and seekers of lasting transformation which comes as a result of walking your own path - special access to VIP events and sacred soul quests.

- unblock writing & life blocks.
Write from your Intuition


12 Live Soul Writing Writer Workshops on Zoom
12 Soul Audio Soul Journey Recordings
12 Facebook Live Monthly Meditations
Pink Ocean Sleep Meditation
Unleash your Creativity Meditation
Awaken your Intuition Meditation
Themed playlists
Labyrinth Meditation to discover your Soul Gifts
12 Monthly Videos taking you deeper into the theme of the month
12 Soul Stories written by Sarah to connect you with the Archetype of the Month

Monthly Soul Sanctuary Single Workshops include:
(included in the VIP MEMBERSHIP)

Access your unique writing voice
Guided Meditation tailored to free your unique creativity
Create your own Soul Sanctuary
Meet your Soul Writing Guide
Connect and share in a safe, soulful online environment

Using simple breathing techniques, Sarah will guide you gently into meditation. From the stillness it is easier to access the intuition and the imagination. Soul Writing is particularly effective at overcoming blocks. The tools you will learn can be used for self-enquiry to unblock your life as well as your writing.

“Soul writing is MORE than just expressing our authentic voice in writing. It helps us to express our authentic voice in all aspects of our life. It spills over, the desire to be our true self, and what comes up in the Soul writing is really a reflection of our inner journey and transformation happening within”

— Tania, Thailand

Annual Membership (ANNUAL fee includes full access to VIP content) Paypal. UK bank Transfer. Stripe.