Soul Writing 6-week Group Course

from £649.00

Weekly Online Workshops LIVE ON ZOOM.

You will write the story that wants to be written - guided in 6 workshops

(Optional Private 121 Session - with Premium Package)

Start date: 2025 dates TBC - drop Sarah an email to be added to the wait list
Will run one weekday evening at 6-7:30pm (London Time).
Small Online Group - to maximise individual focus.

Learn to Write from your Intuition & express your unique creative voice.

Soul Writers learn how to listen and trust the intuition’s quiet guidance and to allow the imagination the freedom to create, explore and write without judgement. We share our work in a safe, supportive environment to improve our writing and gather the confidence to explore and go deeper into our intuitive writing practice, open up our hearts and souls and express our authentic voice.

Soul Writing 6-Week Group Course: Course runs with minimum of 2 people & maximum of 10 people.

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Weekly Online Workshops LIVE ON ZOOM.

You will write the story that wants to be written - guided in 6 workshops

(Optional Private 121 Session - with Premium Package)

Start date: 2025 dates TBC - drop Sarah an email to be added to the wait list
Will run one weekday evening at 6-7:30pm (London Time).
Small Online Group - to maximise individual focus.

Learn to Write from your Intuition & express your unique creative voice.

Soul Writers learn how to listen and trust the intuition’s quiet guidance and to allow the imagination the freedom to create, explore and write without judgement. We share our work in a safe, supportive environment to improve our writing and gather the confidence to explore and go deeper into our intuitive writing practice, open up our hearts and souls and express our authentic voice.

Soul Writing 6-Week Group Course: Course runs with minimum of 2 people & maximum of 10 people.

Weekly Online Workshops LIVE ON ZOOM.

You will write the story that wants to be written - guided in 6 workshops

(Optional Private 121 Session - with Premium Package)

Start date: 2025 dates TBC - drop Sarah an email to be added to the wait list
Will run one weekday evening at 6-7:30pm (London Time).
Small Online Group - to maximise individual focus.

Learn to Write from your Intuition & express your unique creative voice.

Soul Writers learn how to listen and trust the intuition’s quiet guidance and to allow the imagination the freedom to create, explore and write without judgement. We share our work in a safe, supportive environment to improve our writing and gather the confidence to explore and go deeper into our intuitive writing practice, open up our hearts and souls and express our authentic voice.

Soul Writing 6-Week Group Course: Course runs with minimum of 2 people & maximum of 10 people.

Do you want to discover what unconscious story is driving your life — and take back control?

Muriel Rukeyser said: the universe is made of stories, not of atoms.

At each point in our lives there is an unconscious story playing in our unconscious. If we make that story conscious, bring it to the surface and anchor it in writing, we not only become aware, but we have the opportunity to heal old stories — and create new ones.
This course guides you to write your soul story, the story playing under the surface of your life now. Through gentle meditation and free-writing techniques, you will draft your unique soul story in a safe, held online group. You will also have a Free Private Session with Sarah.

“Soul Writing is more than just expressing our authentic voice in writing. It helps us to express our authentic voice in all aspects if our life” (Tania)

What’s included:

– 6 Group Soul Writing Workshops (90 mins)
– 121 Email support
– 121 feedback on writing homework by email
– Guided Meditations you can do in the comfort of your own home
– Recorded meditations to enhance sleep, creativity & confidence.
- Recordings of the Soul Writing Exercises /Soul Journeys

- All of Above
- 1 private 121 Soul Writing Session (60 mins)

What you Learn:
– Grounding Meditation exercises that help you write and create calm
– How to listen to your intuition, your soul voice
– Write using your intuition
– 3 Essential Soul Writing Techniques
- 5 Powerful Storytelling Techniques
– Engage your reader in blogs, novels, poetry & and online.
– Trust your inner wisdom
– Meet your inner guides through your unique imagination.

What Clients said about Soul Writing 6-Week Group Course (2020)
“Amazing! Very enjoyable way to learn a new skill set.”

It has been a desire of mine to write for a while. I have not known what to write about or where to start. Sarah’s 6 weeks course was great for encouraging and showing me that I have a voice. Before this course I felt that writing was something outside of me, something to be tackled, found and controlled somehow. I had not yet experienced freedom on the page. Through thoughtfully designed methods of visual meditation and writing exercises, Sarah guides you to locate what is within us all, a voice of our own. It was at times an emotive experience, sometimes challenging, also very beautiful. As a group we had the opportunity to share out work and be heard, then hear the work of others in return. None of us wanted it to end. In truth I am still not sure what to write about, but I do know this course has opened up a path I hope to continue following. Thank you Sarah for your mindful work.

— Leigh, Acupuncturist, 2020

“Amazing! Very enjoyable way to learn a new skill set.”

— Maren, Germany (2020)

Exhilarating, effortless and exciting! Thank you so much for creating and sharing this amazing tool, Soul Creative Writing, which I can use anywhere and anytime. The process has helped me relax and trust in my creative self and sidestep the ever so opinionated critical left brain! I am well on my way to completing a book I have been laboring to write for the past two years. Now my fingers are flying on the keyboard. Thanks again! 

— Helen, UK (2020)

“Soul writing is MORE than just expressing our authentic voice in writing. It helps us to express our authentic voice in all aspects in our life. It spills over, the desire to be our true self, and what comes up in the Soul writing is really a reflection of our inner journey and transformation happening within. I highly recommend this 6-week foundation course to anyone who feels drawn to writing, and most importantly, who wants to express their authenticity and step into the power of living their inner truth.”

— Tania, Thailand (2020)

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