one year of oracle wisdom

Do you feel blocked? Uninspired?
Do you feel a call to write?
Doubt your intuition?

Take a sacred pilgrimage to
Ancient Lands where the wisdom of oracles
Guide your Inner Soul Journey
Unleash your Unique Creativity
Express your Authentic Voice





The Soul Writer Sacred Pilgrimage is an annual membership and VIP community to support you in scripting and living a life aligned to your soul. As a member, each month you will receive a soul story, meditations, teachings, soul journeys, ceremonies, soul tools, Soul Writing workbooks, to support you to become grounded, joyful, abundant and aligned to your unique creativity - so you can live a soulful life of purpose and fulfilment and get your writing flowing. We use writing as a way to connect us to our imaginations and reconnect to ourself.

You are also invited to attend a monthly live Soul Writing Workshop with Sarah.
Every workshop is themed and
Dr Sarah’s Soul Writing exercises are designed to align you to the energy of that month.

Annual members can access all the Soul Writer tools in to the private SACRED PILGRIMAGE GROUP – a creative community for those who wish to dig deep into their souls and seekers of lasting transformation which comes as a result of walking your own path - special access to VIP events and sacred soul quests.

Sarah facilitates your soul journey, so that you can hear and trust your soul’s calling and build the confidence to walk your own, unique path.

Sarah is not your guru, nor does she give you a blueprint. The Soul Writing Way is a method for you to navigate the twists and turns of your personal spiritual experience using writing as a tool as well as meditation. She advocates you find your own path by listening to your intuition.

When I follow my intuition I love life & my writing flows …

“I’m on the journey too. I’m still learning to stay grounded on the soul path. I will share my unique way of navigating the soul journey with you - as well as showing you how to sense if you’re aligned to your core soul values”

- unblock writing & life blocks.
Write from your Intuition


12 Live Soul Writing Writer Workshops on Zoom
The Soul Writing Workbook
12 Soul Audio Soul Journey Recordings
12 Facebook Live Monthly Meditations
Pink Ocean Sleep Meditation
Unleash your Creativity Meditation
Awaken your Intuition Meditation
Labyrinth Meditation to discover your Soul Gifts
12 Monthly Videos taking you deeper into the theme of the month
12 Soul Stories written by Sarah to connect you with the Archetype of the Month
Soul Map to manifest your Soul Vision

Monthly Soul Sanctuary Single Workshops include:
(included in the VIP MEMBERSHIP)

Access your unique writing voice
Guided Meditation tailored to free your unique creativity
Create your own Soul Sanctuary
Meet your Soul Writing Guide
Connect and share in a safe, soulful online environment

Using simple breathing techniques, Sarah will guide you gently into meditation. From the stillness it is easier to access the intuition and the imagination. Soul Writing is particularly effective at overcoming blocks. The tools you will learn can be used for self-enquiry to unblock your life as well as your writing.

Heart Chakra of Mother Earth

We will gather on the ancient islands of Avalon for this month’s Soul Pilgrimage Site connects you to the ancient labyrinth that was once island surrounded by water and rivers and villages on stilts. The purpose of this soul journey is re-birth, which is the purpose of the labyrinth, barely noticeable now, under the grass that leads up to the summit of the labyrinth.


“There is on the confines of western Britain a certain royal island, called in the ancient speech of Glastonia, marked out by broad boundaries, girt round with waters rich in fish and with still-flowing rivers, fitted for many uses of human indigence, and dedicated to the most sacred of deities”

St Augustine of Canterbury, 6th century AD

Beneath the Tor is a powerful energy vortex vibrating on the frequency of unconditional love. Reputedly the heart chakra of Mother Earth, my journeys here, both in person and in spirit have activated this powerful centre within my own body. As the heart chakra is the energy centre I’ve used for 18 years to begin Soul Writing journeys from and is most effective at opening soul writer’s creativity, this is our Mother Base. It is where we will begin our pilgrimage.

The darkness and silence of winter is a time to gather ourselves and germinate creative ideas for the rebirth in Spring. There is a wise place within our souls where we are limitless, unconditional love.

In this month’s Zoom workshop we will journey to the Glastonbury labyrinth as it was in pagan times, before Christianity arrived on British soil, when the people of Britain followed a shamanic tradition intimately connected to the Great Mother.

Through the heart we liberate ourselves from any limiting beliefs preventing us from stepping into our full potential.

north to the tiny island in the Scottish Hebrides

Travel to the magic shores of the Hebribian Island of Iona. Inhabited since 400 BC, possibly by the Druids. Steeped in magic and thought to be the heart of the Earth.
From here we will take a Soul Journey to …

Can’t remember the last time you had some just for you?
Never taken a Goddess Bath?
Always the last person on your list? Feel frazzled?
This one’s for you!

and the Oracle at Delphi, Greece

Travel to Greece, to the ancient mountain Olympus, home to the Greek gods.
From here we will take a Soul Journey to …

Feel alone? Feel unrooted? Feel scattered and disconnected?

This one’s for you

beyond Paris to walk the labyrinth

Travel to France and Chartres Cathedral where the labyrinth is laid on the floor of Chartres Cathedral. The eye of the labyrinth (the centre) has a higher tertullian energy than at the temple of Lhasa in Tibet.
From here we will take a Soul Journey to walk the labyrinth and find our sense of home within ourselves.

the western desert to ancient Gnostic caves

Travel beyond Alexandria, where the ancient library was destroyed in the 4th century AD and many books were saved from the bishops’ pyres and hidden in the Egyptian deserts. We will travel to the Western desert to the yellow caves where the Gnostics fled from the heretical pyres.

From here we will take a Soul Journey to know yourself

the source of the Blue Nile & Beta Giorgis

Source of the Blue Nile & Beta Giorgis (St George), Ethiopia, Africa – Orthodox Ethiopian Church. 11 Rock-hewn churches.

Travel up the Nile, searching for its source, like a spiritual seeker searching for the source of your Soul. You will leave the Mediterranean to travel past the ruins of Ancient Egypt and through the Nubian desert to Khartoum. There the river forks. You are presented with a choice: take the White Nile (passage of the heart, for the family man or woman) to Africa, or the mysterious Blue Nile (passage of the soul, for the lone seeker who is prepared to let go of worldly ties in order to go wherever their soul guides them), whose source is found in the remote highlands of Ethiopia.

Soul Journey to discover the source of yourself.

winter solstice we cross the Irish Sea to Eïre

Travel beyond time to the ANCIENT LIBRARY OF THE ALCHEMISTS and visit the City of Oracles to ask how you can manifest your deepest desire and experience deep fulfilment in your life.

Alchemy is the art of transformation. The transformation of lead into gold has been used as an allegory to describe the transformational process of turning spirit into matter. It is a lifelong process and all on the soul journey through life are challenged to turn lead into gold - to discover the golden nugget within them. The process requires us to face what is blocking our path.

For those who want to dig deeper into their unconscious well of wisdom and creativity.

the jungle temples of Angkor

Dive into the depths of the Ocean to the ancient City of Atlantis to discover your soul treasure and bring it back to this reality with you

to northeast India and Bodh Gaya

Most sacred of all Buddhist pilgrimage sites, this is the place where under a fig tree a prince became the enlightened Buddha.

the Ellora Caves

We trek across land by train, four wheel drive, then on foot 186 miles north of Mumbai where three of Asias great faiths collide: Buddhism, Hinduism and Janism. Our Soul Writing journey is a secular one, but it is interesting to know to which traditions these sites are held sacred.

Haleakala and Kaho’olawe

We travel by boat 3700 km from the nearest land in North America to Hawaii’s archipelago in the North Pacific. Here we will take a soul journey to the volcanic summit of Haleakala and the sacred island of Kao’olawe.

the Oracle of Delphi

Follow the ancient spiral path of the Labyrinth into the centre of your Self to discover your Soul Gifts, your core values and the uniqueness your soul which you want to share with the world, your family, or your notebook. Strengthen the relationship with yourself. It is the most important relationship in your life.

£300 - Annual Membership (ANNUAL fee/ includes VIP content)
Paypal. UK bank Transfer. Stripe.

(Payment email, link & details will be sent after you Sign Up - click the button below)

Doubt your voice?
What of value do I have to say?
Who wants to listen anyway?

Step into Stillness & Calm and Unleash your Creativity Discover your Soul Voice
Express your deepest dreams
Find and Align to your Soul Purpose

Unlock your writing, unlock your life

I developed the SOUL WRITING METHOD after I had a brain injury in 2004 and could no longer write fiction. My healing journey was guided by my intuition and I wrote myself back to health. I want to share this method with you. SOUL WRITING is a powerful way to connect to yourself using writing to anchor your soul journey and transformation.

Single Monthly Soul Writing Circle £30 (Paypal or UK bank transfer; No access to VIP Content & only if places are available).
Membership is capped to keep the group small & maximise 121support. To join Waitlist for individual circles, see Workshops & Events