The Walk of the Labyrinth

The walk of the Labyrinth is a deep soul journey into the centre of yourself. Dr Sarah has adapted the single spiral labyrinth for this transformative inner journey. This Inner Labyrinth Walk guides you to the Eye of the Labyrinth (a symbol of the centre of yourself, a symbol of home), where you can ask to receive one of your many Soul Gifts or simply relax into the comfort, safety and serenity of home. Your Soul Gifts are your unique talents in this life to support your soul journey. The Labyrinth is a tool for transformation. The Labyrinth Walk is a journey you may take as many times as you wish. This is a powerful meditation tool which will delivers insights and connects you to your authentic self.


History of the Labyrinth

Labyrinths are ancient symbols of wholeness. Our psyches know their form has the power to heal the fragmented Soul

The history of Labyrinths is deep and ancient. Sarah’s PhD research took her into the area of Classical Ancient Egyptian and Greek culture. The most famous Labyrinth was the labyrinth on the Greek island of Crete under the palace at Knossos. The first recorded labyrinth comes from Egypt in the 5th century B.C. Greek historian, Herodotus, wrote that "all the works and buildings of the Greeks put together would certainly be inferior to this labyrinth as regards labor and expense."

However, the labyrinth is older that that. Spiral labyrinths are found etched on Neolithic stones all over the world. The single spiral and the triple spiral (which I use for my logo) have been found in many cultures and represent wholeness. The spiral has become associated with Celtic countries (Ireland, Scotland, parts of England and Brittany in France).

Dr Sarah’s Labyrinth Experience

Dr Sarah first walked the Labyrinth as a child in Ireland, conducted her own research into the transformative power of labyrinths and has trained with Dr Mulhern on the Quest Programme to walk the labyrinth. That programme suggests a 100 day preparation using the Secret of the Golden Flower Meditation prior to entering the most powerful Labyrinth on the planet at Chartres in France.

My own Celtic roots have etched the symbol deep within me. My grandmother used to play a game with me in an old labyrinth near her home in Ireland. She would tell me to walk into the centre, close my eyes, to ask the question, who am I today, and to walk out as that person or animal. And so I leant the transformative power of the labyrinth. I never forgot that game.

Years later I undertook my own research into labyrinths . One particular area of research was the underwater Labyrinth in the ancient city of Paestum. Classical scholars have not agreed on what the original use of the underwater tunnels were used for. Like land Labyrinths there is only one entry. Sarah went on a soul journey to intuit the ancient function of this temple. The result is a powerful underwater Labyrinth journey.

However, these labyrinth journeys only require your imagination and an open heart. Labyrinths come in different shapes. All of them have one entry and one exit, so it is impossible to get lost. However, sometimes people feel lost in the Labyrinth. This is ok and allow yourself to rest into that and just follow Sarah’s voice and breathe.

We all feel lost at times and unless we are lost we cannot be found. Trust the Labyrinth is the path to find ourselves and there is only one destination: home.

Home is our centre and the Eye of the Labyrinth is a symbol of our true home: the centre of ourself.

Labyrinths are symbols of wholeness. Sarah’s logo, the 3 spirals is a Celtic symbol of the divine feminine and is a form of the labyrinth.

The Underwater Labyrinth journey is only available for those who have taken the Earth Labyrinth Walk.

Labyrinth Journey

This Soul Journey Brings you Home to Yourself at a deep level. Experience the stillness of your Authentic Self

Dr Sarah will guide you on your Labyrinth Journey from your Soul Sanctuary. If you are new to the Soul Writing Method you will need to book a Soul Writing session or undertake a Soul Writing Group course first.

What’s included:
– 1 Private Soul Writing Session (90 mins)
– Guided Soul Journey into the Eye of the Labyrinth
– Reconnect to your Soul Writing Guide
– Practice Sarah’s Soul Writing Method with Soul Writing exercises aimed at integrating the Labyrinth Walk

Includes 1 FREE GIFT: Personalised Recorded Audio Meditation tailored to sustain your soul journey.

Sarah uses meditation techniques to facilitate your process to access your intuition, combined with creative writing skills.

Labyrinth Journey (£145)
Sessions on Zoom. Payment by Paypal.

Labyrinths have one entry and one exit, so it is impossible to get lost. We all feel lost at times and unless we are lost we cannot be found. We learn to trust the Labyrinth is the path to find ourselves and there is only one destination: home.

Home is our centre and the Eye of the Labyrinth is a symbol of our true home: the centre of ourself.

Sarah encourages Soul Walkers to reply the meditation for 7 days and return to the experience in the Eye of the Labyrinth.

In the Eye of the Labyrinth we have the opportunity to plug ourselves back into source energy. Like plugging into an electricity socket, we can often feel the physical charge empowering us. Many report a sensation of deep calm after the journey.

Read Ian’s Labyrinth Journey here

Underwater Labyrinth

This Soul Journey Reveals your Hidden Gifts & Embrace lost parts of yourself to return to Wholeness

This is a powerful underwater Labyrinth journey. The Underwater Labyrinth is a journey into the Soul to enable you to uncover what’s hidden and what wants to be revealed from your shadow.

Sarah will guide you on a soul journey into the Underwater Labyrinth in the ancient temple of Aphrodite - the Greek goddess of Love.

Entering this temple of Love you will be instructed on the underwater rites of the labyrinth of love and light.

Many say it feels like being guided through the waters of the womb; others say it felt like a coming-home to the divine feminine in action as their bodies move like mermaids through the underwater corridors of light. It’s easy to breathe in the light and we use the breath throughout to remember how to breathe underwater in the unconscious unborn, immortal waters of the Goddess of Love.

What’s included:
– 1 Private Soul Writing Session (2.5 hours)
– Guided Soul Journey into the Eye of the Labyrinth
– Reconnect to your Soul Writing Guide
– Meet the Goddess of Love
– Learn the ritual of the Temple and perform it
– Give and receive your offering to the Goddess & connect to her energetically
– Practice Sarah’s Soul Writing Method with Soul Writing exercises aimed at integrating the Labyrinth Walk

Includes 1 FREE GIFT: Personalised Recorded Audio Meditation tailored to sustain your soul journey.

Sarah uses meditation techniques to facilitate your process to access your intuition, combined with creative writing skills.

Underwater Labyrinth Journey (£195)
Sessions on Zoom. Payment by Paypal.

Labyrinth Journeys are deep dives into yourself. They are only taken by practiced Soul Writers who have worked with their guides and their Soul Sanctuary for at least one session so they have the two basic tools.

The Underwater Labyrinth journey is only available for those who have taken the Labyrinth Walk.

For Soul Writers who would like a general guided meditation (as opposed to a tailored session), here is a guided audio meditation journey