The Power of Co-Creation
It's the season of fireworks and gathering around sacred fires to tell stories, but here in the UK we head into a second lockdown today. As the show must always go on, I'm really excited to offer you a free Soul Writing Workshop at INTO THE WILD AUTUMN FIRE FESTIVAL ONLINE. I'd love you to join me on Sunday 8 November as we gather around the virtual fire for a Soul Writing workshop called WRITE YOURSELF WHOLE.
For those who cannot attend live, here’s the video of the workshop - Enjoy your Soul Journey to gather some healing guidance.
Co-create your world
It's a long time since I've been in Europe in October. Usually I head to Asia to visit my little brother and the Thai street dogs he rescues and co-facilitate the Soul Bliss Writing Retreat with my friend Tania Ho at Museflower Retreat and Spa. This year COVID changed that, but we created some magic in the community of women who joined our first online month long retreat. This October Tania and I ran our first online 30-Day Harness Your Feminine Power Retreat. It was a magical experience of creating something in partnership and then creating even more sparkles & magic when the group of like-minded women came together and stepped into their female power. It was awesome and if you’re interested in joining us another time you can find out more and join the wait list here
Co-creating in Community
Writers spend long hours working alone. As an author I need a degree of solitude to write, but I often step into community. The local cafe where many artists and writers gather for their morning coffee is often not a quiet place and although I'm alone, there is a vibration of creativity all around me. In between coffees I'll often chat to playwrights, film makers, musicians, artists and poets and share our ideas about the craft and what we are working on. Artists of all kinds are generally generous souls and always happy to share their ideas. I find cafes like this fill my well of inspiration and also give me an injection of community spirit when I'm being a lone worker. Like the vast majority of writers, even bestsellers, I have other work - it's a myth that writers are rich and very few can make a living solely from their writing. Some can but they are the minority. So most of us have a day job! As well as founding Soul Writing, I’m also an academic and I've also been a digital consultant and business coach for 25 years. Much of my digital work is lone working too. COVID has made lone working the norm for many of us. So what's the best way to manage the isolation that comes with lone working?
Communing with Nature & Coffee
Finding a local community to plug my laptop into and getting out into Nature and connecting with Mother Earth remind me I’m part of something bigger than myself, part of a wider co-participatory universe of which I’m a small cog in the wheel. Communing with Nature and communing over coffee in a café feed me and fill my well of inspiration. They open me up to sharing the ideas and my creative process and both are an integral part of the writing process. As I often say to Soul Writers, creativity is a journey. And like any journey it’s great to have travel buddies.
The last week of the Harness your Feminine Power programme, we worked with the Crone Archetype. The Crone is connected to all times and directions, to the universe and all its wisdom. She’s often portrayed as a lonely old women living in a dark forest, but in reality she’s never alone as she’s aware of herself as a connected being. It’s good to use the spirit of the Crone archetype at this time of year when we are closing our doors not only in the Northern Hemisphere to snuggle up against the cold winter months but in other parts of the world as curfews and lockdowns return – to remind ourselves we are always connected to a magical web of creative energy.
Join me at:
If you feel like joining a fire circle this weekend, come and gather around the virtual fire with me for some Soul Writing. We’ll be focused on the healing power of writing and how we can use writing to write ourselves whole. Bring pen and paper and an open heart and soul.
Sarah X
At INTO THE WILD AUTUMN FIRE FESTIVAL ONLINE. I'd love you to join me on Sunday 8 November at 4-5pm GMT as we gather around the virtual fire
Register for FREE here