What is Soul Writing?
Soul Writing is an approach to writing from the intuition. Soul Writers learn to access their imagination using Soul Writing guided meditation exercises that allow the writer to enter into the stillness required for story to flow.
Dr Sarah Walton developed these easy Soul Writing exercises after she had a brain injury in 2004 and could no longer write fiction. They helped her overcome writer’s block and now they can help you to write and free your imagination and your pen - whatever you want to write.
The state of the brain in meditation is very close to the state when a writer is “in flow.” From that still place it is easier to access the intuition and the imagination, both of which we require to write. The imagination creates and the intuition guides our creative decisions. Soul Writers learn how to listen to their intuition and trust its quiet guidance, freeing the imagination to write without judgment. Soul Writers learn to write with confidence the story or poem that wants to be written.
Soul Writing starts from the self. If we have language, we can all write story.
Muriel Rukeyser said, “The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.”
Each shift in human consciousness is accompanied by new stories. Similarly, inner transformation is accompanied by a personal narrative – a Soul Story. Soul Writing exercises facilitate the connection to the individual’s inner narrative voice.
Soul writers learn to tune into their five senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell, taste) as well as the sixth sense of the intuition to write engaging and compelling story that connects us to each other, to the universe – and most importantly to ourselves.
Writers of all levels have benefitted from Soul Writing Workshops and courses. Beginners who have never written a story before will experience how easy it is to tap into their imagination and put those ideas on the page. Professional writers experiencing “writers’ block” find the same techniques help to get the writing process flowing from a deeper well within them.
What is Soul Writing?