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Which Female Archetype drives your life?

🌟Do you know which universal female energy is driving your life?
🌟And is that the most powerful energy you might be using to guide your choices and life right now?
🌟Discover the answer and learn how to choose on the 30-Day Harness your Feminine Power Programme.

Archetypes are personifications of universal qualities which we all have access to. However, some of us get stuck relying on the energy and qualities of one or two, which can be great, but they may not be the most appropriate archetypes to connect to for all situations in life. If we can become aware of what archetype we are operating from, we then are in a position to choose which one might be best to guide us, which in turn makes us feel empowered and more in the driving seat of our lives. I’ve personally gone on a deep and never-ending journey to align myself to different female archetypes.

I was used to operating from the Warrior Woman Archetype, which is very powerful, but when I had a brain injury in 2004, I found that was working against me as I was unable to push thorough as I’d previously done due to the immense fatigue and vulnerability I experienced. My association with the Warrior Woman Archetype and that energy she carries of strength, mind over matter and taking bold action was working against me, rather than serving me. It was sending me into exhaustion and also a sense of failure as I just didn’t have the energy to deliver. And so I went on an inner journey in which I connected to another version of strength: the Mother Archetype. I met my Soul Guide, Sophia (who connected me to the divine energy of the Great Mother), who led me to discover how best to nurture and nourish myself at that time and to give myself the self care I needed to heal. I even wrote a book about it - see SOPHIA’S TALE - an archetypal story about the Goddess of Wisdom.

I usually head to Asia in October to see my little (6, 4") brother and do one of my favourite things - facilitate the SOUL BLISS WRITING RETREAT with one of my favourite people, Tania Ho. This year Tania and I are giving you something different: A 30-DAY HARNESS YOUR FEMININE POWER PROGRAMME.

To create this programme, Tania Ho, Intuitive Soul Guide and Founder of Museflower Retreat & Spa in Thailand connected to another aspect of the Mother Archetype: Creativity. We also connected to the innocence of the Maiden Archetype, who is excited by the unknown and in her innocence can trust where that leads without preconceptions. Due to COVID-19 we were in unchartered territory and had to trust our intuition about hosting our first Online Retreat. We also had to let go of the idea of running our usual Soul Bliss Writing Retreat in Thailand and our Japan Retreat, which we have been planning for over a year. Instead we connected to the deep, intuitive wisdom of the Wild, Wise Woman and agreed that it felt right for both of us to develop this new 30-Day Programme.

Here’s a free taster video from a Live Zoom WISE, WILD WOMAN WORKSHOP delivered as part of the Museflower Online Soul Sanctuary during the Lockdown in the UK and Curfew in Thailand.

The intensive experience of being on residential Retreat is amazing, but so many people go back to the same routine in their daily lives. A shift has occurred, but they don't know how to sustain it outside the heavenly environment of Museflower's gardens and sanctuary, and so Tania and I have developed a way for you to create a habit that will last a lifetime that's really easy to slot into your busy lives - and will create the shifts in consciousness at your own pace - in this 30-Day Programme - to deep dive into your Feminine Wisdom.

By the End of this 30-Day Journey, You Will:
🌟Feel empowered and deeply connected with your unique inner feminine wisdom

🌟Make decisions that are aligned with your soul, heart and mind

🌟Get your creativity and imagination flowing using Soul Writing

🌟Embrace your power as a relaxed, centred woman

🌟Use various wellness tools to integrate into your daily spiritual practice

Learn more here

We’d love you to join us,

Sarah X